Logistics — General planning

Holistic planning — from concept to implementation

Your general planner — from vision to reality

Effective solu­tions for complex logistics challenges

Prac­tical ori­en­tation, know-how, high man­agement com­pe­tence — this is what our inter­dis­ci­plinary team of con­sul­tants and project man­agers stands for. Our team is com­ple­mented by renowned indus­trial archi­tects who support us as coop­er­ation partners in archi­tec­tural planning and imple­men­tation. From plant structure planning and layout planning to the design of logistics buildings and the turnkey han­dover and com­mis­sioning of the new factory, we con­tribute our expertise and expe­rience in inte­grated logistics planning.

As general planners, we design, coor­dinate and supervise the entire project pro­fes­sionally and assume respon­si­bility for the eco­nomic and effi­cient exe­cution of the project. Our indus­trial archi­tects supervise all struc­tural mea­sures on the building in close coop­er­ation with our project man­agers. This enables us to give our cus­tomers the cer­tainty that their con­struction project will be com­pleted on time, within budget and with the appro­priate quality.

Step by step to the optimum solution:
We rely on inno­v­ative 3D planning technology

A struc­tured approach is crucial in factory planning

We support you holis­ti­cally: concept planning, detailed planning, ten­dering and realisation

  • Detailed planning and opti­mization of processes
  • Def­i­n­ition of all inter­faces to the building and building services
  • Arrangement and design of the workstations
  • Cre­ation of the detailed layout in 3D
  • Def­i­n­ition of struc­tural and safety requirements
  • Detailed cal­cu­lation of project costs and investment volume
  • Cre­ation of an imple­men­tation plan as the basis for real­ization (mea­sures, dead­lines, resources)
  • Support in coor­di­nating with author­ities regarding approvability

Current topics


Relo­cation to the Sursee Business Park (CH)

Our Swiss team has moved. As of now, the Swiss branch of InterLog Man­agement GmbH can be reached at the new company address “Allee 1B (Busi­nesspark Sursee) in 6210 Sursee”! “The Busi­nesspark Sursee offers

Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the
