Process opti­mi­sation logistics


We support you in process optimisation 

We optimise your logistics processes quickly and efficiently 

Process opti­mi­sation is becoming increas­ingly rel­evant for com­panies in today’s world. Espe­cially in the area of logistics, the focus is on the triggers of effi­ciency and effec­tiveness of processes in order to reduce costs and improve the quality of work at the same time. In addition to the triggers men­tioned, the dig­i­tal­i­sation and automation of processes play a decisive role in process opti­mi­sation. Many com­panies want to evaluate the potential in these areas by means of process opti­mi­sation. Even if it is pri­marily about opti­mising the logistics processes, it is very important to con­sider the upstream and down­stream processes such as pur­chasing, pro­duction, sales and the net­worked logistics IT. In the indi­vidual areas, the depen­dencies and pos­si­bil­ities for influence are enormous. They can deci­sively disrupt the entire process. 

We accompany you throughout the entire process optimisation 

We are at your side throughout the entire process opti­mi­sation, from the start of the process to its imple­men­tation. In addition, we check the imple­mented mea­sures for their effect, taking into account the fol­lowing aspects: 
  • Are the physical processes being adhered to and carried out across the board in accor­dance with the specifications?
  • What effects can be seen in the key figures?
  • Are there still gaps between the defined measure and the current implementation?
  • How are the new processes accepted by the oper­a­tional staff?

Do you know the potential within your logistics processes?

Learn more about our process opti­mi­sation. We provide you with an overview of your overall logistics and support you in making deci­sions on how to align your logistics in a com­pet­itive and future-ori­ented manner. 

Our approach to process optimisation 

Our con­sul­tants carry out an objective assessment of the actual sit­u­ation on site. All logistics processes are examined and surveys / inter­views are con­ducted with the rel­evant employees. The process recording takes place during ongoing oper­a­tions, directly in the warehouse. 
The recorded poten­tials are clus­tered and eval­uated. Within the eval­u­ation, the effort and benefit is also com­pared for each potential. This pro­cedure can be used to filter out quick wins for the processes. This com­parison also facil­i­tates the pri­ori­ti­sation of measures. 
The eval­uated poten­tials are ver­ified in the “potential ver­i­fi­cation” with the cor­re­sponding con­tacts from logistics. If nec­essary, adjust­ments are made to the poten­tials and calculations. 
In the “Doc­u­men­tation and def­i­n­ition of mea­sures” phase, mea­sures for imple­menting the process opti­mi­sa­tions are developed and pri­ori­tised for the ver­ified poten­tials. In addition, the results are visu­alised for the final phase. 
Within the framework of the process potential analysis, both physical and sys­temic poten­tials are iden­tified and goals are defined. In order to achieve the goals, it is important to pri­oritise all poten­tials as well as the imple­men­tation time and allo­cation of resources and respon­si­bil­ities. On this basis, an overall project plan including mile­stones is drawn up and monitored. 
  • Reduction of logistics costs
  • Opti­mi­sation of com­mu­ni­cation channels
  • Effi­cient util­i­sation of resources
  • Increase in productivity
  • Shortened process cycle times
  • Increase in occu­pa­tional safety
  • Opti­mi­sation of space utilisation
  • Increased adherence to delivery dates
  • Inventory opti­mi­sation
  • Reduction of the com­plaint rate

Optimise processes effi­ciently and sustainably

Ques­tions and answers around process optimisation

In order to optimise a logis­tical process / workflow, the processes must first be recorded or known (inbound and out­bound). There are now various methods, pro­ce­dures and also tools to analyse the processes in the next step. In the medium to long term, we rec­ommend the use of a con­trolling tool (BI tool). For an initial eval­u­ation of potential, we use our spe­cially developed process potential analysis, in which we evaluate each process according to time and costs and compare cor­re­sponding savings potential.
The awareness of “improving processes” should be present in all business areas. Logistics (inbound as well as out­bound) offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, as the internal flow of mate­rials and infor­mation logistics can be con­stantly opti­mised by means of inno­v­ative tech­nologies and modern con­cepts. Decisive com­pet­itive advan­tages can be achieved through process opti­mi­sation. After all, you always want to be one step ahead and not be over­taken by your competitors.
The costs of process opti­mi­sation nat­u­rally depend on which mea­sures are nec­essary to optimise your processes. Our analysis includes a detailed investment cost and return-on-investment cal­cu­lation. The ROI is based on a process potential analysis, which we carry out in advance. Our aim is to identify process poten­tials that require a small and man­ageable investment but achieve a large impact.
Process man­agement includes various activ­ities, such as process analysis, mod­elling, key per­for­mance indi­cators and bench­marking, process mon­i­toring or process opti­mi­sation. In the area of process opti­mi­sation, there are dif­ferent approaches and methods that can be used inde­pen­dently or in com­bi­nation. Methods that have estab­lished them­selves as sus­tainable instru­ments for the con­tinuous improvement and mon­i­toring of processes are: 
  • Trou­bleshooting
  • CIP / Kaizen
  • Lean pro­duction
  • Lean Man­agement
  • Six Sigma
All methods pursue the goal of improving the output of processes.