IT strategy con­sulting for logistics

We plan your logistics IT with the use of suitable logistics software

IT strategy, selection and intro­duction of logistics IT

We network your logistics software with your logistics processes

Together with you, we define a future-proof IT strategy. Cor­porate devel­opment never stag­nates in any area. In logistics IT, too, the require­ments con­tinue to increase with every company devel­opment. Logistics processes are becoming increas­ingly complex, so that your current enter­prise resource planning system is no longer suf­fi­cient. As a result, your own IT strategy has to be adapted or even newly developed. This could be, for example, the intro­duction of a ware­house man­agement system (WMS) or the opti­mi­sation and adap­tation of your IT processes. We offer you a holistic strategy con­sulting concept, from process analysis and potential iden­ti­fi­cation to com­pre­hensive strategy devel­opment, so that you can remain com­pet­itive in the future. 

Adapt or rede­velop IT strategy

We define the best pos­sible logistics IT solution for your company

New process require­ments due to company growth and the asso­ciated higher throughput of goods and mate­rials in logistics, the automation of systems and logistics facil­ities or the out­sourcing of logistics areas to an external logistics service provider are just some of the reasons why com­panies are con­cerned with opti­mising logistics IT and the fun­da­mental IT strategy. For the future IT strategy of your company, we create a cus­tomised IT concept and detail in it the require­ments and func­tions ‚which your IT solution must fulfil. Regardless of whether you want to mod­ernise your existing IT system or introduce a new IT system. 
Our expertise ranges from the selection and imple­men­tation of SAP WM / EWM to autonomous ware­house man­agement software (front-end solution) that is con­nected to your HOST system via an interface. 
  • IT process mapping
  • Require­ments analysis
  • Eval­u­ation and strategy recommendation

Have your process require­ments changed?

Haben sich Ihre Prozes­san­forderungen geändert?

The path to an optimal logistics IT strategy

Opti­mising your IT struc­tures helps you to exploit potential that you are cur­rently leaving unused

In order to develop an optimal IT strategy for you and to gain an under­standing of your require­ments and needs, we first record, analyse and doc­ument your current IT processes. Regardless of whether you want to mod­ernise your existing ware­house man­agement system or introduce a new ware­house man­agement system (WMS), for example. We take into account all regular logistics processes from goods receipt to goods issue, including labelling, transport, storage and picking. Special processes such as inventory, transport (to and from the cus­tomer) or cus­tomer billing are part of our process analysis. We pursue a holistic approach including all adjacent logistics processes. The process manual we create thus pro­vides a global overview of your process landscape. 
We carry out the analysis and the target con­ception together with you within concept work­shops. In the concept work­shops we lay the foun­dation for your future IT strategy. By recording your ACTUAL processes, we have fun­da­men­tally developed an under­standing of your logistics processes, the logistics systems and facil­ities you use, your master and ware­house movement data, your picking strategy and your current level of automation. Based on our project expe­rience, we now identify your process poten­tials. We actively involve your employees, as they are an essential part of the concept work­shops and project phase. Through their daily han­dling of the existing IT system, your employees have the rel­evant expertise and valuable insights that we incor­porate into the planning of the future logistics IT. 
From the results of the concept work­shops, we create and evaluate dif­ferent strategic approaches. We compare the effort, costs and ben­efits of each variant. The variants are modular and therefore flexible, so that we can, for example, develop the best solution for your company from 3 variants. The final devel­opment always takes place in close coop­er­ation with you and your employees. Finally, we sum­marise the results of the workshop into a rec­om­men­dation for you. 

Move with us into the next project phases

We accompany the entire logistics IT intro­duction through to imple­men­tation and stabilisation