InterLog Man­agement — Con­sulting for Supply Chain, Logistics & IT

Your general planner for precise logistics solu­tions from Dortmund, Sursee and Graz

Our advisory services

Inno­vation and modern processes are the key to success

We live logistics for over 15 years!

Due to our expe­rience from a wide range of indus­tries and with more than 400 suc­cess­fully com­pleted projects, we know the logis­tical chal­lenges of the companies.

Long-term coop­er­ation based on partnership

Our cus­tomers trust us

Our many years of expe­rience and a high level of cus­tomer sat­is­faction in project imple­men­tation are the best ref­erence. A well-func­tioning team within the project is the key to success.

Renowned com­panies, from SMEs to inter­na­tional cor­porate giants, are among our long-term cus­tomers. We cul­tivate a part­nership-based cooperation.

The opinion of our clients is par­tic­u­larly important to us. After the project is com­pleted, a per­sonal meeting takes place with our cus­tomers in which the entire project is finally evaluated.

We plan your logistics pre­cisely and future-proof

Current topics & news


Relo­cation to the Sursee Business Park (CH)

Our Swiss team has moved. As of now, the Swiss branch of InterLog Man­agement GmbH can be reached at the new company address “Allee 1B (Busi­nesspark Sursee) in 6210 Sursee”! “The Busi­nesspark Sursee offers our team an inspiring envi­ronment in a

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Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the internal flow of mate­rials and infor­mation logistics

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