Career with InterLog Management

Col­le­giality and strong togeth­erness char­ac­terise us

Uncom­pli­cated, indi­vidual, high flexibility

We look forward to receiving your application

Start your career together with us. We use the advan­tages of our small team for our cus­tomers: Uncom­pli­cated processes, short infor­mation paths, high flex­i­bility as well as openness and trans­parency in a familiar working atmos­phere enable us to work indi­vid­ually with our cus­tomers on the basis of grown com­pe­tence and expe­rience. Through our special team com­po­sition of young and expe­ri­enced employees as well as our openness for new things, we help inno­v­ative talents to profit from the many years of expe­rience of our employees and also to combine already existing expe­ri­ences with new modern per­spec­tives. We firmly believe in the strength and inspi­ration of teamwork both inter­nally and together with our clients. The com­bi­nation of indi­vidual trainings and back­grounds pro­vides the right mix for the dif­ferent needs of our projects and clients to find prac­tical and mean­ingful solutions. 

What you can expect from us

Iden­ti­fi­cation. Passion. Togetherness.

Col­le­giality and a strong sense of togeth­erness are very important to us — and they set us apart. This includes open doors and our “Duz” culture at all times! 
Flat hier­ar­chies, cre­ative freedom, con­tem­porary employment con­di­tions and flexible working hours enable a “healthy” work-life balance. 
Through our regular staff events, we con­stantly develop our­selves per­sonally and with each other — we don’t just pull together in our everyday working lives! 
Our offices invite you to work thanks to the modern and pro­fes­sional infra­structure with ergonomic work­sta­tions and the latest office applications. 
Company pension scheme, private employer-funded health insurance, 30+ holiday model, fre­quent trav­eller offer, attractive employee events and much more. 
The training and devel­opment pro­gramme includes spe­cialised training incl. cer­ti­fi­cation, project man­agement training, work­shops, e‑learning and much more. 

Career at InterLog

We stand for further development

With our career plan, which is indi­vid­ually designed for each employee, each employee deter­mines his or her own path. Their own per­for­mance and skills are indi­vid­ually promoted. 
Career stages-InterLog

Here you will be reg­u­larly informed about current job offers 

Our appli­cation process in video

Our Job Market 

Apply now!

Career with InterLog Man­agement? We look forward to getting to know you! Apply You are welcome to respond to one of our job adver­tise­ments or you are glad to send us an unso­licited appli­cation. Then send us your appli­cation doc­u­ments including salary expec­ta­tions and pos­sible starting date by e‑mail to:

The career path at InterLog Management

Ques­tions and answers about the career

You will be valued as a full team member from the first day of work. Your opinion is important to us and is highly valued. You will be involved in practice and thus in cus­tomer projects quite quickly, so that you can take on respon­si­bility. Col­le­giality and strong teamwork are very important to us. Ergonomic work­sta­tions and the latest office appli­ca­tions con­tribute to a modern and pro­fes­sional infra­structure. We work exclu­sively dig­i­tally and are therefore future-oriented.
Depending on your current qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­rience, we will make a joint clas­si­fi­cation. If you would like to go the way of a logistics con­sultant / con­sultant, we have the career levels: Project Assistant, Junior Con­sultant, Con­sultant, Senior Con­sultant and Senior Con­sultant Professional

The dif­fer­ences within the career stage lie in the general project and cus­tomer respon­si­bility as well as in the scope of duties. The higher the career level, the more respon­si­bility and the larger the scope of duties. Regardless of the career level, our con­sul­tants are pro­vided at all times by an expe­ri­enced Senior Con­sultant Pro­fes­sional / Mandate Manager.

We involve our employees quite quickly in practice and thus in cus­tomer projects. The inde­pendent han­dling of project tasks, but also the man­agement / control of sub-projects enables a fast build-up of knowledge and expe­rience. Internal as well as external trainings are also part of the career plan. Usually there are about 2–3 years between the indi­vidual career stages, depending of course on per­sonal ini­tiative and moti­vation. Our aim is to develop the employee both per­sonally and pro­fes­sionally, and together to reach the maximum career level at InterLog Management.
As is well known, one does not talk about salary. Nev­er­theless, it is important to us that we reward good work and per­for­mance. We have created a uniform salary model, which develops according to the indi­vidual career levels. In addition, we offer great ben­efits, such as: company pension plan, private employer-financed health insurance, 30+ vacation model, fre­quent traveler offer, attractive employee events and much more.