Material flow planning in logistics

Optimal planning of all flows of goods and mate­rials is the driver for effi­cient logistics

Con­sistent opti­mi­sation of all material and goods flows

From material flow analysis and opti­mi­sation to real­i­sation in day-to-day oper­a­tions, we are your partner

Material flow planning includes the planning and design of internal material flows and forms the basis for trans­parency and effi­ciency within the processes. His­tor­i­cally developed processes and ever faster changing market require­ments in logistics often make it nec­essary to revise material and goods flows. Likewise, the planning of new loca­tions may require a new material flow concept. Regardless of the initial sit­u­ation, a holistic planning approach should always be chosen in order to secure decisive com­pet­itive and effi­ciency advan­tages. In material flow planning, we include the entire logistics processes, from incoming goods to out­going goods, as well as the asso­ciated infra­structure, space, logistics equipment and future cus­tomer require­ments. We see material flow planning as a driver for effi­cient intral­o­gistics. Therefore, material and infor­mation flows within logistics should not be neglected under any cir­cum­stances. Because this is where it is decided how physical goods move­ments of any kind can actually be realised and planned and how effi­ciently goods of the most diverse kinds can be coordinated. 
If the material flow is not opti­mally planned, the entire process chain from goods receipt to goods issue will not function properly either.In order to reduce throughput times, reduce sus­cep­ti­bility to errors, increase effi­ciency and reduce logistics costs, optimal and well thought-out material flow planning is required. Sig­nif­icant advan­tages that you can achieve through our material flow planning are: 
  • Min­imi­sation of transport, storage and han­dling costs
  • Struc­tured and stan­dardised processes
  • Opti­mi­sation of space requirements
  • Short­ening of throughput times
  • Reduction of the error rate
  • Opti­mi­sation of stock levels
  We accompany you throughout the entire planning and design of your logis­tical flow of goods — from material flow analysis, visu­al­i­sation and concept cre­ation to implementation. 
By using our 3D ware­house sim­u­lation, ware­house processes and pro­ce­dures are dynam­i­cally and real­is­ti­cally sim­u­lated. Throughput quan­tities and throughput times can be para­me­terised according to cus­tomer require­ments. The planned material flow can be checked in advance for per­for­mance limits, dis­ruption sce­narios and bottlenecks. 

Our estab­lished approach to material flow planning

Material flow analysis, material flow sim­u­lation and prof­itability audit as the basis for implementation

The scope of ser­vices includes the prepa­ration and deter­mi­nation of all rel­evant data and processes as a basis for planning. We record all material move­ments with quan­tities and fre­quencies as a Sankey material flow plan or as a material flow matrix. Our process analysis takes into account all main logistics processes, sec­ondary processes and special processes. 
With our 3D sim­u­lation software, we visu­alise your entire intral­o­gistics including the movement of goods. The best pos­sible sce­narios and variants can thus be opti­mally derived and serve as the basis for the devel­opment of a material flow concept. 
The dif­ferent solution variants are eval­uated with a cost-benefit analysis including a prof­itability test and serve as a decision-making basis for the sub­se­quent imple­men­tation and material flow optimisation. 

Material flow planning — effi­cient and sustainable 

Ques­tions and answers about material flow planning

Depending on whether it is an adjustment of the existing material flows or you are planning a new location — the approach is dif­ferent. However, the logistics key figures and the asso­ciated logistics processes always form the basis. In both cases, our approach involves planning and visu­al­i­sation using our 3D sim­u­lation software. This allows us to recreate true-to-scale logistics buildings and facil­ities in the shortest pos­sible time and sim­ulate material and goods flows in real time.
Optimal material flow planning aims to ensure that goods of various kinds are moved effi­ciently and in a coor­di­nated manner. Without appro­priate material flow planning, your flow of goods and thus your entire process chain from goods receipt to goods issue will not function properly. This some­times means: 
  • High transport, storage and han­dling costs
  • High throughput times
  • No struc­tured and stan­dardised processe
  • High space and capacity requirements
  • High sus­cep­ti­bility to errors
A ware­house man­agement system in inter­action with a material flow com­puter and the control system is decisive for the optimal material flow within the logis­tical processes. The data and infor­mation that con­verge in the material flow com­puter can be used to visu­alise the processes with the help of material flow planning and optimise transport routes. The material flow com­puter (MFR) com­mu­ni­cates between the ware­house man­agement system (WMS) and the control system (PLC) and acts as an infor­mation interface for status, capac­ities and transit times. The ware­house man­agement system is super­or­dinate to the material flow com­puter and, among other things, manages the stock, forms picking and replen­ishment orders, con­trols goods flow strategies and creates transport orders that are for­warded to the material flow com­puter. This gen­erates control com­mands that can be used to control auto­mated systems such as stacker cranes, con­veyor tech­nology, stretchers, robots and the like.

Current topics


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Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the
