Factory planning and pro­duction planning

Holistic planning — from concept to implementation

Inno­v­ative and future-ori­ented factory planning

We pursue the goal of making your company more competitive

We plan and develop fac­tories and pro­duction facil­ities that are opti­mally designed for the future in terms of their func­tion­ality. In this way, we create the basis for your sus­tainable eco­nomic success. When planning fac­tories and pro­duction facil­ities, regardless of whether it is a new factory con­struction (green­field) or factory planning in existing buildings (brown­field), we use our 3D planning software. With our 3D planning software, we create a virtual layout for you and plan the optimal arrangement of func­tional areas according to the require­ments of your pro­duction and logistics processes. The material flow and the factory layout are thereby aligned with your entire value-added process. The factory layout includes the floor plan with the pro­duction areas, the entire ware­house cubature, the storage area, the working and manip­u­lation areas and the cir­cu­lation areas. 

A struc­tured approach is crucial in factory planning

We support you holis­ti­cally: concept planning, detailed planning, ten­dering and realisation

  • Con­sid­er­ation of cor­porate goals, framework con­di­tions, product and market development
  • Processes and functions
  • Systems and technologies
  • Material flows and layouts
  • Invest­ments (rough)
  • Processes and functions
  • Systems and technologies
  • Material flows and layouts
  • Per­sonnel & work organisation
  • Spec­i­fi­ca­tions
  • Invest­ments (detail)
  • Prepa­ration of invi­ta­tions to tender
  • Obtaining the offers
  • Eval­u­ation of tenders
  • Accom­pa­nying the award procedure
  • Trade coor­di­nation
  • Com­mis­sioning
  • Oper­a­tional site management
  • Accep­tance

Why you should start your planning

Rising costs due to high process lead times, over­crowded pro­duction and storage areas, low pro­duc­tivity and lack of resource avail­ability, high market dynamics and changed com­pet­itive con­di­tions, his­tor­i­cally grown structures

Phase I: Concept planning in 3D

Laying the foundation

Concept planning forms the basis of any factory planning. From the strategic spec­i­fi­ca­tions and cor­porate goals in com­bi­nation with our com­pre­hensive as-is analysis, we develop an optimal space layout for you, which is ini­tially created on the basis of your existing process flows and struc­tures. The planning of the buildings, land and tech­nical equipment follows in the second planning phase with the help of our 3D planning software. This pro­cedure enables us to opti­mally align the entire processes according to your require­ments and at the same time guar­antee maximum effi­ciency and pro­duc­tivity. It is important to con­sider and take into account long-term cor­porate goals in order to ensure the future via­bility of the new factory. 
  • Concept planning as a basis for the new or redesigned factory
  • Con­sid­er­ation of future devel­op­ments and technologies
  • Special attention is paid to the devel­opment of an agile overall layout
  • Def­i­n­ition of target processes
  • Design of a target layout: Optimal arrangement of func­tional areas
  • Cre­ation and eval­u­ation of dif­ferent layout variants
  • Cost / benefit estimation
  • Project cost overview +/-30
  • True-to-scale 3D planning of your factory
  • Real-time sim­u­lation of your pro­duction and logistics processes
  • Direct avoidance of planning errors
  • Exact pre­dictability of your investments

Phase II: Detailed planning in 3D

Create a resilient basis for realisation

The goal of detailed planning is to further develop the selected concept approach into a resilient basis for real­i­sation. In the detailed planning, we design the indi­vidual func­tional areas in detail. We define the work processes in pro­duction, assembly and logistics and equip the indi­vidual modules accord­ingly with tech­nology and equipment. We opti­mally adapt walking, transport and infor­mation routes to the processes. At the end of the detailed planning, there is an imple­men­tation concept that con­tains a rough schedule for con­crete mea­sures and serves as the basis for tenders and the real­i­sation phase. 
  • Detailed planning and opti­mi­sation of the processes
  • Def­i­n­ition of all inter­faces to the building and building services
  • Arrangement and design of the workstations
  • Cre­ation of the fine layout in 3D
  • Def­i­n­ition of the struc­tural and safety requirements
  • Detailed cal­cu­lation of project costs and investment volume
  • Prepa­ration of an imple­men­tation plan as a basis for real­i­sation (mea­sures, dead­lines, resources)
  • Support in coor­di­nating with author­ities to obtain approval

Phase III: Calls for tenders

Find the right providers

The planning phases for factory planning are fol­lowed by the cre­ation of the spec­i­fi­ca­tions and other doc­u­ments required for the tender. The spec­i­fi­ca­tions form the basis for a detailed tender sub­mission by the sup­pliers. Par­allel to the prepa­ration of the tender doc­u­ments, we conduct a market survey. Due to our many years of expertise, we know the market of sup­pliers very well. You receive a com­pre­hensive list of bidders with all rel­evant data on the sup­plier. You now determine which sup­pliers should be con­sidered for the tender. We take over the com­plete tender man­agement for you — from sending out the tender doc­u­ments, answering sup­plier queries, organ­ising and car­rying out the sup­plier rounds, eval­u­ating the bids and a final assessment by us. In addition, we rec­ommend ref­erence visits to potential sup­pliers, which we can also organise for you. On this basis, you can now decide which sup­plier is the right partner for you. 
  • Prepa­ration of the spec­i­fi­ca­tions and the tender documents
  • Prepa­ration of a com­pre­hensive list of bidders including eval­u­ation criteria
  • Obtaining and eval­u­ating written offers
  • Pre­sen­tation of bids
  • Rec­om­men­dation for the award of contract
  • Accom­pa­niment of the entire award process including con­tract nego­ti­ation and con­tract review

Phase IV: Realisation

Your daily business and pro­duction continue

After the factory planning and ten­dering process has been com­pleted, the real­i­sation and imple­men­tation of your con­struction project begins. In accor­dance with the created layout, areas are restruc­tured or expanded and equipped with tech­nical com­po­nents and systems. A con­version or new con­struction of a factory requires a large number of internal and external persons, com­panies and author­ities, which are usually net­worked with each other. Coor­di­nating this complex structure is a demanding task for the client, espe­cially as day-to-day business and your pro­duction con­tinue. We are at your side throughout the entire real­i­sation of your new factory and, if required, take over the con­struction super­vision and project man­agement as well as any pre­lim­inary and set­tlement planning. 
  • Sup­plier support
  • Com­mis­sioning
  • Accom­pa­nying system tests and acceptances
  • Coor­di­nation of trades
  • Oper­ative site management
  • Holistic project management

We act as general planners of fac­tories and pro­duction facilities

Our network of renowned indus­trial archi­tects sup­ports us in archi­tec­tural planning and implementation

Prac­tical ori­en­tation, know-how, high man­agement com­pe­tence — this is what our inter­dis­ci­plinary team of con­sul­tants, factory planners and project man­agers stands for. Our team is com­ple­mented by renowned indus­trial archi­tects who support us as coop­er­ation partners in archi­tec­tural planning and imple­men­tation. From factory structure planning and layout planning to the design of factory buildings and the turnkey han­dover and com­mis­sioning of the new factory, we con­tribute our expertise and expe­rience in inte­grated factory planning. As general planners, we pro­fes­sionally con­cep­tu­alise, coor­dinate and supervise the entire project and assume respon­si­bility for the eco­nomic and effi­cient project exe­cution. Our indus­trial archi­tects supervise all struc­tural mea­sures on the building in close coop­er­ation with our project man­agers. In this way, we can give our cus­tomers the assurance that their factory will be com­pleted on time and within budget with the appro­priate quality. 

Current topics


Relo­cation to the Sursee Business Park (CH)

Our Swiss team has moved. As of now, the Swiss branch of InterLog Man­agement GmbH can be reached at the new company address “Allee 1B (Busi­nesspark Sursee) in 6210 Sursee”! “The Busi­nesspark Sursee offers

Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the
