Industry-inde­pendent and discreet

We act neu­trally and objec­tively in all industries

We maintain long-term cus­tomer rela­tion­ships based on partnership

The trust of our cus­tomers is our best reference

Our cus­tomers come from dif­ferent areas of logistics. Thanks to our many years of expe­rience in con­sulting, we cover a wide range of indus­tries within logistics. Whether in the field of trade, industry, pro­duction, chem­icals and phar­ma­ceu­ticals or dis­tri­b­ution logistics, with InterLog Man­agement you have a reliable logistics con­sultant with many years of expe­rience at your side, who can always support you with expe­ri­enced knowledge. 

Chemical, phar­ma­ceu­tical, health and food 

The pro­duction, ware­housing and transport of goods in the phar­ma­ceu­tical, chemical, health care or food industry require inter­na­tional guide­lines. It is a matter of course for us to handle projects in com­pliance with GMP or GDP. We are at your side as a com­petent partner. Renowned com­panies are among our customers. 

Trade (wholesale and retail, online) 

Due to demo­graphic change, the Internet gen­er­ation will con­tinue to grow and with it the multi-channel usage of each indi­vidual cus­tomer. As a result, pro­cessing and thus also logistics must become faster, more flexible and more trans­parent. We bring the cor­re­sponding know-how from various retail sectors. 

Pro­duction & Pro­duction Logistics 

Pro­duction must per­ma­nently con­cen­trate on its core task — pro­ducing. To ensure this, the supply and removal of goods must be opti­mally planned, con­trolled and exe­cuted — a task of pro­duction logistics. Con­stant market changes / fluc­tu­a­tions have a sig­nif­icant influence on pro­duction logistics. We are your partner to adapt your pro­duction logistics processes to current market movements. 

General services 

In recent years, the service sector has steadily gained in impor­tance. We can fall back on expe­ri­ences from dif­ferent areas. These include, among others Public service, con­struction industry, ser­vices in the fields of tex­tiles, washing plants, pump tech­nology and building automation. 

Transport logistics 

Transport logistics is increas­ingly devel­oping in the age of dig­i­tal­ization. Based on the term Industry 4.0, tech­nologies / IT systems are used for the improved control and opti­mization of internal and external transport. No matter if paperless order orga­ni­zation, route planning or autonomous han­dling systems: We make you fit for digital transport logistics on rail and road. 

Dis­posal Logistics & Recycling 

Dis­posal logistics is highly rel­evant for the smooth running of the overall logistics. Legal require­ments can change and pro­duction processes designed for the future will require new dis­posal solu­tions. The variety of tasks in waste dis­posal logistics will therefore probably increase rather than decrease in the future. We are glad to support you in opti­mizing your dis­posal processes. 

Com­pletely inde­pendent from your industry

Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick Ihrer Prozess-Schwach­stellen. Indi­viduell auf Ihre logis­tischen Prozesse abges­timmt, zeigen wir Ihnen Poten­ziale auf, wie Sie Ihre Prozesse durch den angemessenen Einsatz von Automa­tisierung & Dig­i­tal­isierung ver­schlanken und opti­mieren können.

Latest project news


WMS Eval­u­ation [PAWI Ver­pack­ungen AG] 

As a pro­ducer of food-safe pack­aging, PAWI is dependent on the com­plete trace­ability of the processed mate­rials from delivery to han­dover to the cus­tomer. With the existing Ware­house Man­agement System (WMS), this requirement

References USZ

Cre­ation of a logistics concept 

As part of the cor­porate growth of Zurich Uni­versity Hos­pital, logistics at the USZ site in the city centre has grown organ­i­cally. In order to create the urgently needed space for the structural
